
★ Lotto  ★    The Celbridge GAA Club Lotto is a key fundraiser for the club, providing essential financial support for club activities throughout the year. All profits from the Lotto go towards assisting with the provision of all the necessary equipment and facilities that a modern GAA Club, such as Celbridge, requires on an ongoing basis. The Lotto, gives everybody the opportunity to share the ever increasing cost of running the Club, whilst at the same time availing of the opportunity to win one of the great cash prizes on offer. The Lotto runs from November 1st to October 31st annually but new members are welcome to join at any time throughout the year. We also offer the facility to play weekly by purchasing a ticket in the Club or from a member of the lotto committee. There is also the option to play Club Lotto on-line either by logging into the Lotto section of the website or through the Club Registration system.   Click here to play Celbridge GAA Lotto On Line   Celbridge GAA Club Lotto Details in relation to joining the lotto, lotto winners or any other lotto activity are available at any time by contacting This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. document.getElementById('cloak7de7636d18be11a2467ca700c4237331').innerHTML = ''; var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; var addy7de7636d18be11a2467ca700c4237331 = 'lotto' + '@'; addy7de7636d18be11a2467ca700c4237331 = addy7de7636d18be11a2467ca700c4237331 + 'celbridgegaa' + '.' + 'com'; var addy_text7de7636d18be11a2467ca700c4237331 = 'lotto' + '@' + 'celbridgegaa' + '.' + 'com';document.getElementById('cloak7de7636d18be11a2467ca700c4237331').innerHTML += ''+addy_text7de7636d18be11a2467ca700c4237331+''; The club lotto committee want to thank all club members who regularly support or have recently paid / renewed their annual lotto subs, incl. all members who continue to pay by direct debit – this is VERY much appreciated. Also a growing number of members are choosing to play on-line as they find this a convenient way to play and support the club. The Lotto jackpot is currently almost €10k so now is a good time to play. It is hoped to increase lotto participation in the next few months and this will give us the opportunity to increase our current weekly prizes. Over the next few weeks we hope to increase the options of payment further byprovision of Lotto APP as this is what a number of members have suggested. Remember – all the lotto funds raised are for improvements to the club for the benefit of all members. !! If on line lotto is not your thing you can still play by taking advantage of one of these options Annual Subscription of €100, payable by cheque or cash to the Celbridge GAA Monthly €9 Direct Debit. Click here to download the Direct Debit forms   James O'Shea, Chairman, Lotto Committee. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. document.getElementById('cloakb749b15dcf2914ab204fb1b773ba7397').innerHTML = ''; var prefix = 'ma' + 'il' + 'to'; var path = 'hr' + 'ef' + '='; var addyb749b15dcf2914ab204fb1b773ba7397 = 'lotto' + '@'; addyb749b15dcf2914ab204fb1b773ba7397 = addyb749b15dcf2914ab204fb1b773ba7397 + 'celbridgegaa' + '.' + 'com'; var addy_textb749b15dcf2914ab204fb1b773ba7397 = 'lotto' + '@' + 'celbridgegaa' + '.' + 'com';document.getElementById('cloakb749b15dcf2914ab204fb1b773ba7397').innerHTML += ''+addy_textb749b15dcf2914ab204fb1b773ba7397+'';  

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★Launch of Online Lotto★

Support Club Development To aid further club development activities in 2017 & beyond, we have extended our Club Lotto to now include an on line option which we are launching on Saturday October 15th in the club house from 8:00pm We would like to reach a target of 1000 subscribers & we need your help.  Click the links be below to Play now or find the links on our club web site,  Hope to see you Saturday!  If on line lotto is not your thing you can still play by taking advantage of one of these options Annual Subscription of €100,  payable by cheque or cash to the Celbridge GAA Monthly €9 Direct Debit. Click here to download the Direct Debit forms

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